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Fraktfritt over 1500,-
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UTC Holo Tinsel Small


Holographic tinsel is a fantastic piece of material to use when making bodies on small nymphs or if you need to add flash to other flies. UTC holographic tinsel comes in tons of colours. This tinsel is easy to work with and affordable, UTC holographic tinsel is what every tier needs.

Maximum flash for your hand-ties
Adds life and movement to any pattern
Brightest, most durable holographic tinsel available
Essential for heavily-fished waters and finicky fish

Add maximum flash to your hand-ties with this premium UTC Holographic Tinsel Assortment. This is the brightest, most durable holographic fly tying tinsel available, and it will add life and movement to even the dullest patterns. A must-have for any fly tyer, especially when confronted by heavily-fished waters and reluctant takers.


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